Nuestra organizacion será desde su inicio, una guia para ayudar a mejorar en todos los aspectos arbitrales tanto a arbitros de nuevo ingreso como a arbitros experimentados que de alguna u otra forma han dejado a un lado sus aspiraciones de mejoramiento en su desempeño pero que han decidido retomar la escencia del espiritu del juego.
Una de nuestras metas es no solo reunir un número determinado de arbitros registrados y cumplir con los requerimientos establecidos por los estandares determinados por la federacion, sino que al mismo tiempo potenciar al maximo sus cualidades y pulir su talento.
Proporcionaremos a todos los involucrados en nuestro proyecto, la informacion basica y actualizada de primera mano para su estudio y capacitacion. Mientras tanto, facilitaremos todas la herramientas necesarias para llevar acabo la auto-capacitacion individual sugiriendo los caminos mas adecuados para la consecucion resultados en los plazos que cada individuo se comprometa a realizarlos.
Our organization will be from its beginning, a guide to both new referees and experienced referees to help improving in all refereeing aspects, who in one way or another have put aside their aspirations to enhance their performance but who have decided to retake the essence of the spirit of the game.
One of our goals is not only to gather a certain number of registered referees and meet the requirements established by the standards determined by the federation, but to maximize their qualities and polish their talent at the same time.
We will provide all those involved in our project with basic and updated first-hand information for their study and training. Meanwhile, we will provide all the necessary tools to carry out individual self-training, suggesting the most appropriate ways to obtain results within the deadlines that each individual commit to achieve them out.

ISSA's Mission Statement:
The ISSA has been in existence since 1916 and is the governing body of adult soccer in Illinois. It is affiliated with the United States Adult Soccer Association (USASA) and the United States Soccer Federation (USSF). The USSF is in turn affiliated continentally with The Football Confederation and the Federation Internationale de Football Associations (FIFA).
ISSA's Vision Statement:
The purpose of the ISSA is to serve its membership in providing for the development, promotion, supervision, and administration of adult amateur soccer in the state of Illinois.Aside from promoting the game the ISSA’s administrative duties include, but are not restricted to, registration, player discipline, insurance administration and record keeping.