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La empresa titular de es GOAL CORP. Grupo Oficial de Arbitros Latinos con domicilio social en Chicago, Illinois. U.S.A., Correo electrónico
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Partners and Sponsors
Play Soccer Inc.
4717 North Clark 1s - Chicago, IL 60640 --- Toll Free: (866)755-2361 --- Phone: (773)561-3465
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ISSA's Mission Statement:
The ISSA has been in existence since 1916 and is the governing body of adult soccer in Illinois. It is affiliated with the United States Adult Soccer Association (USASA) and the United States Soccer Federation (USSF). The USSF is in turn affiliated continentally with The Football Confederation and the Federation Internationale de Football Associations (FIFA).
ISSA's Vision Statement:
The purpose of the ISSA is to serve its membership in providing for the development, promotion, supervision, and administration of adult amateur soccer in the state of Illinois.Aside from promoting the game the ISSA’s administrative duties include, but are not restricted to, registration, player discipline, insurance administration and record keeping.